Anesthesia for non- Invasive Cardiology in Cardiac Cath. Lab., as a lecture for Anesthesia department
Anesthesia for Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy(DISE), as a lecture for Anesthesia department
Awake Intubation Made Easy , as a lecture for Anesthesia department morning round
Airway Equipment: for anesthesia residents, as a small group teaching during residents teaching
Series of lectures: Pre-anesthesia assessment clinic for nurses
Age of Red Cells for Transfusion and Outcomes in Critically Ill Adults Journal Club Monday
HFNO for Non- Anesthesiologists: ENT Department Ground Round for ENT doctors
Investigations and clinical scores for Pre-anesthesia assessment clinic for Nurses
Tubeless free ventilation for Minor Upper Airway Surgery Using THRIVE Technique, ENT Department Ground Round for ENT doctors
Tubeless Anesthesia for Minor Upper Airway Surgery Using STRIVE Hi Technique, Hajar Auditorium during airway specialty round for Anesthesia department
VE & 3D in Airway Management or Evaluation of the Airway, One Stop-Shop, SICU during Morning Round, for SICU doctors
Nociception-guided versus Standard Care during Remifentanil– Propofol Anesthesia A Randomized Controlled Trial during Journal Club, Anesthesia department ground round
Difficult Airway Management for ENT Department Ground Round
Difficult Airway Management Clinic for anesthesia
Fundamental of Airway Management (FOAM) course: for WCMCQ Students: as Course director and instructor of the workshop
Fundamental of Airway Management (FOAM) course: for Qatar University Medical Students: as Course director and instructor of the workshop
Teach airway trainer course (TAT): with European airway management society (EAMS) as instructor for airway instructors
Bedside Percutaneous Tracheostomy for Professionals Course (PCT): as course director & instructor of the workshop
Flexible Bronchoscopy Simulation Course (FBSC): as instructor of the course
Advanced Airway Workshop: as instructor of the workshop for anesthesia department, ICU doctors
Basic Airway Workshop: as course director & instructor of the workshop for residents, nurse’s anesthesia and technical staff
Vascular Access Simulation Course (VASC): as course instructor
Ultrasound guided Regional Anesthesia: as instructor