Dr. Nabil Shallik
Dr. Nabil Shallik


Let's get to know each other

Work with professional experts to achieve good results

Dr. Nabil Shallik is an academic anesthesiologist at both Qatar University and Weill Cornell Medical College and Tanta Faculty of Medicine in Egypt. Although he works with both patients and residents, he spends the majority of his time in the airway management and head and neck anesthesia with adult patients and pediatric airway cases.
In 2015, he started up the Difficult Airway courses and workshops at Qatar Robotic Surgery Center and Itqan Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center, Doha, Qatar and in 2018, he opened up the Difficult Airway Clinic at Ambulatory Care Center, Doha, Qatar Working there helped him realize his passion to teach and how he wants to spend the rest of his professional career in education and teaching about difficult airway management. Since 2018, Dr. Shallik has been at the ACC and in charge of the Airway Rotation. He is Deputy chair of anesthesia department and the assistant head Ambulatory Care Center Anesthesia Section and deals with both simulation and hands-on OR training of Non-Anesthesia and Anesthesia providers in airway management and he has trained over 1500 trainees in this area.

Dr. Nabil Shallik
International Airway Lead

Some friends have made while working together.

Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr. Nabil Shallik and to his broad achievements in the field of airway management and head and neck anesthesia. Dr. Shallik is one of the highly, internationally recognized experts in the difficult airway world, and rightfully so. His academic accomplishments and his breadth of interests are impressive. His leadership role always has prompted him to stay on the cutting edge of the technological advances in the field, be it a broad use of 3D visualization of the airways for clinical practice, or the introduction of routine use of a Tritube and THRIVE for obstructed airway cases in his institution. I also have had a pleasure and privilege to teach with Dr. Shallik side-by-side hands-on airway techniques at the last World Airway Management Meeting in Amsterdam, and can attest to his excellence as a teacher and mentor for the trainees. I am looking forward to his upcoming and innovative book entitled Atlas and History of Human Airway Equipment, which will feature the contributions from international leaders in the field, and which promises to become an instant bestseller. Please enjoy the website and everything that it has to offer, courtesy of a good friend and colleague of mine, Dr. Nabil Shallik.

Dr. Nabil Shallik is a Senior Consultant Anesthetist and Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology in Weill Cornell Medical College, Hamad Medical Center Qatar. He is IT Deputy Chair of Anaesthesia Department. He is also an academician in Tanta Faculty of Medicine Egypt. I know Dr. Shallik personally as we attended several courses and educational events together. He displays an outstanding theoretical knowledge as well as excellent skills in clinical practice, which enables him to be a teacher for students as well as for postgraduate colleagues. He is very enthusiastic for education and increased his intense teaching and research skills over last years. In addition to his out-standing clinical achievements, Dr Shallik is involved in various teaching activities as instructor and lecturer in national and international scientific events. His main interest is airway management. I always realized that he has willingness to improve himself in difficult airway management, in particular awake tracheal intubation and nasendoscopy. He has active efforts and cooperation in the international associations. He has valuable contributions to European Airway Management Society (EAMS). We worked together for EAMS Committees. He has actively involved in our committees and he became the council member of Qatar. He is responsible for the development of airway management and the quality of endorsed airway courses there. He is keen to succeed, enthusiastic, fairly ambitious, dynamic and young. It is a great honor for me to be a partner, colleague and a nice friend of him. Kind regards